If you’ve done any presentations, you can probably think of times when you could feel like your audience was completely absorbed in what you were saying. Unfortunately, most of us have also had the experience of speaking to an audience when it seemed like we couldn’t make any connection.

When you have a good connection with your audience, you are in harmony. You feel good about the presentation, the audience enjoys it, and you will more than likely achieve your goal. If you’re not in tune with your audience, you could be talking to yourself! The ability to develop rapport with an audience is what separates the memorable presenter from the merely competent. There are several ways to do it.

Lay the foundation for developing a good relationship by planning each presentation so that you give your audience the information they need and are interested in. When an audience feels that you are aware of their concerns and are addressing their needs, you are well on your way to building rapport.

Confirm that you understand and can relate to the audience’s needs and concerns in the way you speak. Choose whether it is better to be conversational or formal; use the jargon the audience uses; and keep their interest by adding variety to your voice and delivery style.

The layout of a venue can determine how easily you connect with an audience. You can choose to sit or stand, use a podium, and stay behind a computer or projector. In each presentation, check that the design helps you connect with the audience.

On a more superficial level, the way you dress can also influence the relationship. You’d be wise to wear your newest, best-fitting business suit to a presentation before a group of investment bankers. Conversely, wearing work boots and jeans when speaking to an informal group of blue-collar workers may be just the thing.

The more you connect with an audience, the easier it will be to get your message across. Never underestimate the importance of developing a good relationship.

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