Digital Marketing

PR Strategies Trends for 2017

The public relations industry continues to evolve. As visual storytelling, digital media, and social media continue to play a larger role, many marketers are looking to incorporate more tools into their PR war chest.Here are some of the hottest trends that could give your business a boost and an edge over your competition.1. Video, video and video. Have you seen

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The Band Box Tavern

Recently, my sister and I were reminiscing about our wild party days when we were younger, when we would go out until 5 in the morning and hide in my car around the corner from the house, waiting for our mother to go to the worked. so we wouldn't come in while she was having breakfast in her nightgown. Inevitably,

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Health Fitness

How can we lose weight effectively and naturally?

Losing weight has always been a problem, especially today that lifestyle diseases are rampant. People suffer from ailments caused by the stress of their hectic work schedule and rigorous daily activities, making them prone to many health disorders such as obesity. So how can we lose weight and avoid being included in the long list of people who struggle with

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Legal Law

So can I really get divorced for $399? How to Select a Profitable Matrimonial Lawyer

Today advertising proliferates promising a $399 divorce. Is such a thing even remotely possible? Probably not. For starters, in New York State alone, court costs will exceed $300. However, you can obtain the forms needed to process an uncontested divorce from your local County Clerk's Office or even more easily from the New York State Office of Court Administration website.

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Real Estate

The 1031 Exchange – A Powerful Wealth Building Tool

Taxes: They play an important role in any investment and are always a major consideration for any individual doing business in a particular location. That is why in the field of real estate investment, the 1031 Tax-Differred Exchange is a very attractive option for any real estate investor. A 1031 Exchange is a provision of the IRS code that allows

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NHL Winter Classic, Save Hockey

In my opinion, the Winter Classic is one of the top ten sporting events of each year. Hockey... outside... snow surrounding the rink, how not to like it? While the pregame festivities lasted about 37 minutes longer than necessary, I enjoyed most of the hoopla. Bringing back legendary players, reliving the rivalry and growing up playing hockey on a frozen

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Arts Entertainments

Get book reviews

Book reviews are one of the most powerful marketing activities. There is no such thing as having too many reviews. The beauty of a good review is that it tells potential buyers that someone else has read and liked the book. A good book review is a powerful marketing tool. You can use it by positioning it on your blog.

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Monolithic or Microservices? Choose the best option for your business

These days, it's hard to argue with the fact that the quality and functionality of an application also directly affect the economic growth of your company. Depending on your business needs, you can build an application with either a monolithic or a microservices architecture. Monolithic architecture used to be preferred, but in recent years many companies are moving to microservices.

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