A large number of companies look to archiving systems to solve problems related to legal discovery, regulatory compliance, and mail storage. Evaluating these mail filing systems is a challenging task. If you are not knowledgeable about the same, there are chances of investing in wrong device or software. In this article, readers will learn about selecting on-premises or hosted email archiving solutions. Let’s read on to understand the features.

There are several options to choose from when it comes to cloud-based email services. It has the on-premises, hosted and hybrid solutions. As a business owner, you need to understand the difference between these to determine what is right for your business needs. However, in this discussion, we will focus primarily on the internal and hosted option.

Hosted services

This service helps an organization archive sensitive corporate data at any third-party location. This is done for a purpose because it will lessen the burden on your company’s IT resources. When you outsource, you also allow your organization to avoid significant software and hardware purchase costs. Once again, you are also spared the inconvenience of managing a filing system.

However, there are some issues related to hosted services and that is data security. By storing sensitive business information in a third-party location, your business is at risk of security breaches and HIPAA privacy issues. In some scenarios, archived information may not be encrypted, leaving your organization vulnerable to increased risk. Again, in the absence of direct integration with the company’s mail server, file management is an added difficulty.

On site

If your facility wants to implement an on-premises email archiving solution, it’s imperative to think through the maintenance, additional infrastructure, and facility expenses associated with deploying duplicate systems at remote locations to ensure email archiving capabilities. disaster recovery.

However, to opt for in-house options, your company must define the requirements, purchase the required hardware, and purchase or develop the appropriate software. Most large business houses send and receive a substantial volume of mail every day, and this is why the archive needs a considerable amount of hardware for storage purposes.

As far as the in-house solution is concerned, it typically uses a dedicated, server-facing platform that copies all emails and stores them securely. In some cases, it’s also important to install the software on the PCs of every employee in your facility to easily and instantly search and retrieve critical business information. However, keep in mind that this option can be expensive and requires experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated employees to maintain.

So now you have a complete idea of ​​hosted email archiving solutions as well as facilities. Do your research, ask service providers, and then make an informed decision. Make sure your investment is value for money and that the service you choose meets all of your corporate data storage and recovery needs.

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