Help a lot of people. It’s called servant leadership. Hall of Fame basketball coach John Wooden stated, “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who can never repay you.”

Don’t exaggerate problems, just solve them. Thomas Watson, former CEO of IBM, said, “Solve it. Solve it fast, solve it right or wrong. If you solve it wrong, you’ll come back to slap it and then you can solve it right. Lying dead in the water and doing nothing is a comfortable alternative because It’s risk-free, but it’s an absolutely fatal way to run a business.”

Have a burning desire to succeed and take steps to make it happen. The dictionary defines desire as “to long for or hope for.” Napoleon Hill is quoted as saying, “The starting point for all achievement is desire.” Keep this in mind constantly. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small amount of fire produces a small amount of heat.

Having a burning desire is not enough. To be successful, you must be willing to take action to achieve your dreams in life. There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”

Be a little better and a little smarter every day. We are part of this thing called the University of Life. Whether at our camps or at one of our seminars, we tell participants to care about learning and learn to care. As a former coach and educator, I always wanted the best for my players and my students. However, to improve, sometimes we have to experience adversity. Og Mandino stated, “There is nothing better than adversity. Every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.” Read or listen to recorded books about successful people: Remember: success leaves clues.

Be patient, positive and persistent in achieving your goals. Set goals that are achievable, but outside of your comfort zone. Use the FAST formula for success. F – Find a reason why the goal is important to you. No matter what others want, if it’s not important to you, your ability to stick with it will be short-lived. A-act like you’re unstoppable, unbeatable and undeniable. Walk and talk with the winner’s body language. S – see what you want in advance. In other words, visualize what it is you want to achieve. And, T- take action to achieve what you want in life. I had an uncle who told us “every once in a while”. It meant off your butt and on your feet.

Be an Eager Beaver, not an Eager Supporter. Are you the first to arrive at the office in the morning? If you are an athlete, you arrive early and stay late. Are you willing to do the little things? I was in my first year coaching minor league professional basketball. One of our staff members was asked to help with the laundry. His response was that he was a trainer, not the laundry person. He was not willing to do the little things for the benefit of the organization. Remember that the difference between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person is the little extra.

Understand that progress always involves risk, and the greatest risk is not taking any risk. We are all safe and secure within our comfort zones. We have to push back the wall of the comfort zone, expanding our comfort zone on a daily basis. It’s been said, “sometimes you just have to jump and build your wings on the way down.” I am not talking about anything that is immoral, illegal, unethical, or life-threatening. Hockey great Wayne Gretzky said, “You always miss 100% of the shots you never make.”

Know that difficulty creates opportunities: it allows you to turn negatives into positives. Former football coach Lou Holtz said, “I’ve never met anyone who achieved anything without overcoming adversity.”
Laugh in the face of adversity: “Adversity makes some break, others break records.” William A. Ward

Get excited about every little accomplishment: We tell our campers, coaches, and attendees at our camps, clinics, and seminars, “Success by feet is hard, inch by inch is a piece of cake.” Colin Powell said, “If you’re going to excel at the big things, you develop the habit of the little things. Excellence is no exception, it’s a prevailing attitude.”

Believe in your abilities to succeed, and in yourself!: “Life has taught me so many lessons that it is difficult to decide which is the most valuable, but one of the most important is this: no one will believe in you unless they believe. in yourself.” Liberace (pianist/entertainer)

Learn from those who have what you want to have: Successful people use modeling. They find what makes successful people tick and then imitate the best qualities. Have you ever noticed that the best students sit at the front of the class?

Setbacks are temporary: God’s delays are not God’s denials. No one likes to lose. Actress Mary Pickford stated, “If you’ve made mistakes…there’s always another chance for you…you can have a fresh start any time you choose, because this thing called ‘failure’ isn’t falling, it’s staying put.” down

When you can’t take another step, do it anyway—you don’t know how close you might be to closing the sale, winning the game, or reaching your goals. “Never ever give up!” Winston Churchill The day the first mile was run in under four minutes, Roger Bannister wasn’t feeling well. He was wet, moist and cool. Not the ideal weather to set the world record. However, he became the first runner under four minutes. The sub-four-minute mile has been run repeatedly since that day.

Have a game plan. A game plan won’t guarantee success, but it will keep you focused on the task at hand. Have you ever seen the broadcast of a football match. The television commentators talk about the keys to winning the game, what each team will have to do to be successful. During the week, the coaching staff has drawn up a “game plan” for that rival.

“You are the only one who can make a difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it.” Earvin “Magic” Johnson

“This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use it however I want. I can waste it or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am changing a day of my life for When tomorrow comes , this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something I’ve traded for. I want it to be gain and not loss; good and not bad; success and not failure; so that I won’t regret the price I’ve paid for it. the”. Later.

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