No, this is not an article about Keanu Reeve’s latest sci-fi/thriller movie. What exactly is this you are reading? Well read on and find out, Curious George.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services in 2007, there were approximately 64 million Americans who suffered from insomnia on a regular basis each year. Insomnia according to the source also occurs 1.4 times more commonly in women than in men.

And I have found that insomnia can be relieved by hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments. Ask Keannu Reeves. Yes, the Keanu Reeves who fought the evil computers in the Matrix. Apparently, despite multi-million dollar contracts, Mr. Reeves can’t sleep well.

And so, he bought his own portable hyperbaric chamber at his home in the Hollywood Hills and even sometimes on his movie set to administer the treatment. He has already undergone numerous sessions and has convinced his Street Kings co-star Naomi Harris to try the treatment.

But for us from humble beginnings, we will not despair. Hyperbaric treatments aren’t just for Hollywood folks. There are, if you look closely, many ways to test hyperbaric chambers for yourself.

One, there are single-bag rooms for rent at a cost of $2,000 per month. Then there are the double-bag hyperbaric chambers that cost $2,675 a month.

But if you want one at your disposal, single bag cameras are available for $12,900, while double bag cameras are $16,900. Yes, they are quite expensive. But then again, getting a good, restful sleep is worth all the expense, if you ask me.

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