Forever Living Products is a direct sales company from Scottsdale, Arizona. It has been around for a long time, since 1978, so you would think that it must be a legitimate company that offers a good opportunity. But surprisingly, not everyone agrees, so what is the truth? Is the company a big scam?

Forever Living – The Good

Forever Living Products sells a wide range of health and wellness products, including nutritional supplements, weight management solutions, cosmetics, skin care products, and beverages. This is a very crowded market with Herbalife, Amway, MonaVie, Wowgreen, and Oriflame all vying for space, but Forever Living Products is older than all of these companies except Amway, so it must be doing something right.

Forever Living – The ugly truth

So why do people criticize the company? In truth, it has more to do with the marketing systems implemented by your Distributors than with their products. It’s a sad but true fact that most network marketers don’t make a profit because they use an outdated marketing system. Introducing friends and family to your product, service, and opportunity might have worked in the 1950s and 1960s, but it doesn’t anymore.

These days, it takes real marketing savvy to be successful with Forever Living, and asking your friends and family to “do you a favor” is no longer effective. You need business acumen and the ability to sell your product, service, and opportunity.

So if you don’t know the art and science of marketing in the 21st century, I recommend that you learn it before you sign up with Forever Living Products. The company can be a great opportunity, but only if you have enough skills to make the most of it.

To learn more about how network marketers are doing business in the 21st century, check out the Modern Guide to MLM

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