January 6, 2021 was a day in which several historical events occurred that can have significant and relevant impacts, both in the short and long term, American Way of Life! We witnessed a mob, which took over the Capitol and caused many buildings to be blocked! Both Democrats, who were running for Senate, from the state of Georgia, defeated their opponents (the incumbents), narrowly and later, many delays, caused by a combination of partisan politics and the insurrection of the mafia, etc. Congress finally certified the results of the November presidential election, certifying Joe Biden, Jr., as president. Finally, for the first time, President Trump affirmed that there would be an orderly transition of government. President Biden will begin, with control of both Houses, ensuring greater possibility, a degree of cooperation and open discussion, on many issues, the current Senate Majority Leader, refused to even discuss on the Senate floor! ! However, history tells us that when the party in power advances too fast or is perceived as too radical / extreme, they are quickly rejected by the public. Therefore, although many may be impatient, and their idealistic instincts tell them to seek more, and others, they are pragmatic and settle, too easily, with the best approach, combine them and proceed with pragmatism. idealism! In light of that, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss what this means and represents, and why, the last option is often the wisest course.

1. Idealism: Ideally, medical care, etc., would be free for all and provide the highest level of medical treatment, etc. However, because this nation is so closely divided, along partisan lines, we often find that when so many resist one path, the wisest thing to do is come up with alternatives, which will have a better chance of being approved, etc. ! This concept is generally true regardless of the specific problem, and there is often a fine line between striving for what is right and achieving something.

2. Pragmatism: While pragmatic approaches may constitute a greater opportunity, for some sort of consensus, unless / until, relevant and sustainable issues are fully addressed, they serve small constructive purposes. For example, while it was pragmatic to pass the recent compromised legislation, in order to achieve something, for those who need it, the reality is probably not going to be a stellar success, because we are currently in a place – in – time, when much more is needed!

3. Pragmatic idealism: Ideally, we could proceed, with idealistic, meaningful, relevant, sustainable intentions, but, instead of simply articulating, like a cake in the sky, with few viable chances of approval, etc., we would seek a meeting of – the – minds. , for the common good, that they addressed challenges, effectively, while getting things done, effectively!

Doesn’t pragmatic idealism make more sense and is it wiser than proceeding in an ideal, unreal or pragmatic way, which does not address and / or achieve what is needed and what is necessary? Wake up America and demand that your political leaders do it, using common sense!

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