I love my dentist! When was the last time you could say that?

about yours?

It’s true that dentists tend to get a bad rap (remember the

sadistic character in the movie, Little Shop of Horrors?). objective

Even real life dental visits are not high on the to-do list.

relaxing things to do.

So what does my dentist have to do with marketing? Everything.

And the reasons my dentist has more private paying clients

of what they can handle and it is a receiving machine of references, they are

marketing lessons we can all take to the bank.

It is not so much about how to market a dental practice, but

is an illustration of how smart marketing strategy can

they permeate all aspects of a busy professional services business.

During my last appointment, Dr. Penski and I talked about her.

marketing practice and approach. This is what I learned:

Clear positioning:

Fresh out of Georgetown University School of Dentistry,

was unable to secure funding for his vision of a practice that

cater to women. In his words, “Anger was a great motivator,” so

he set out to fulfill his dream by attending private payment services

Professional women and mothers, two very influential forces when

It is about how families spend their dental money.

From the beginning, she and her business partner knew that

better serve this niche by offering “dentistry with a careful

touch. ”This vision permeates everything, establishing a baseline for

how they package and promote their services, their approach

sales, the care they provide and the daily performance of

all the staff.

Careful packaging:

Dr. Penski explained how they created the “identity” of their practice

us ten cents. During dinner with the spouses, the couples discussed how

to “package” the new practice, including uniforms, office decoration,

business stationery and welcome brochure. A husband suggested

they use the symbol of a fern, as it was “old, natural and

funny, like them! “The silhouette of a fern,

plucked from Dr. Penski’s garden and created on his copier,

appears everywhere.

Nature is also the theme in the waiting room where you can

relax looking at nature art books, listen to relaxing music at the spa

and a platter, and enjoy a herbal neck wrap. The loving touch

It’s reinforced with an album full of patient letters, baby

announcements, wedding photos and thank you cards. A photography

album of before and after takes demonstrates credibility in still


Smart promotion:

I found Dr. Penski on the list of the best

dentists. A smart place to show up, if you cater to

professional women in DC. I knew immediately that something was

different when the receptionist told me that my first

The appointment would be for the doctor to meet me first, since

as well as assess my dental needs.

The day after making my first appointment, I received a “Welcome

to our Practice “, which included a simple but sincere

welcome brochure, medical and insurance forms to complete

before my appointment, a health assessment that also asked me,

“If there was something you could change about your smile, what

Would? “and a clear payment policy.

All of these things served to set a standard, manage my

expectations, welcome me and connect with me before me

appointment. It was also a smart way to start selling myself

even before my first visit.

Sophisticated persuasion:

The practice takes a phased approach to bringing in a new patient.

on board. This is also a sophisticated way to build trust and

encourages greater use of its services. The first date

it was all about evaluation and relationship building. What’s more

to the most comprehensive evaluation and set of radiographs, tooth by tooth

That I have experienced, Dr. Penski took her time to get to know

me as a person, about my background and my concerns or

fear of going to the dentist. When I mentioned an interest

by whitening my smile, he convinced me not to, showing me how

it would look unnatural. My confidence in your credibility and interest.

my well-being continued to deepen.

I asked Dr. Penski why, in more than 30 years of regular dental care,

Was this the first time I received a

check? Their answer: they break all the prescribed rules for

how much time to spend with each patient, which gives them the

freedom to be as complete as possible.

The business model works because they spend more time with

Higher paying clients who specifically value the approach Dr.

Penski and her partner drink. They don’t have to compensate

lower insurance reimbursements with a higher volume of

patients. There is a general atmosphere of calm and caring.

focus on each patient. Everyone wins.

Before I left, my second and third appointments were made.

for cleaning and other minor procedure. I sold myself in the

place and happy about it!

Performance in building relationships:

Dr. Penski explained that the cornerstone of the practice is

your daily meeting of all staff. Held every morning, they argue

each patient who arrives that day as a whole person: his dentist

treatment, what is happening in your life, what problems or fears

you may have about today’s procedure and other things that

it matters to your experience and treatment. Meetings serve to

center and refresh the doctors and staff every day, so that

are truly focused on each person as an individual when she


The caring approach and performance in relationship building

He followed up with a follow-up call to see if he had any questions.

from my first appointment and to provide me with contact information for a

new medical reference that I mentioned when I was leaving.

I never thought that I would become a fan of my dentist, but

there you go!

When I asked Dr. Penski what they do specifically for

commercialize the practice, he said, “We don’t have to commercialize!” Tea

The truth is, they market every day because of how they choose

run your practice.

Here are some ideas you can borrow to create your own raving fans:

1) Pick a clear niche that you really want to serve and go

after. You have to really love your niche or your efforts.

Entering this niche will sound hollow and fall flat.

Just as important: make sure your niche has money to spend and

willing to pay for what you can deliver.

2) Think of ways you can start the marketing process before you.

even meet new prospects. How do you want them to know first?

about you (that is, on the top 10 list of something that is important to

your target audience)? What will build your perceived credibility?

in the eyes of your target audience (i.e. the patient album

thank you notes and photos in the waiting room)?

Surprisingly, Dr. Penski’s practice does not have a website,

which is an essential marketing tool for any professional

firm service! But that doesn’t stop them from doing the same

things offline through inexpensive printed materials and other

credibility and trust building tools. It’s how you wear it

these tools that matter.

3) If you have their attention, what can you do, say or send?

which will invite prospects to connect with you and set the standard

that you are different (i.e. a welcome pack,

self-assessment or perhaps a “Checklist to help you choose the right

CPA for your business “)?

4) Be consistent. What does your company represent to permeate

everything you say, do, offer, print, display and produce? Your

you don’t need to have a large marketing budget to infuse your vision

in everything you do.

5) Invest in relationships. Would you rather have so many

Grateful and better paid customers as you choose or

constantly running to keep up with those who pay less,

high maintenance volume? It is a choice that you have.

6) Pay attention to details. Clients willing to pay

good money for your professional services will not stay

if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dr. Penski’s Daily Staff

the rally is your vehicle to make sure nothing falls off

the cracks. What’s yours?

No website, own graphic design, far fewer patients per

recommended time, chatty staff and personal relationships

with patients …

Is this some way to run a professional services business? Bet!

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