I discovered a better way to attract women like crazy using personal ads. You will run circles around other men answering personal ads from single women. What is the secret? Use of voice mail with your announcement. Here is how to use this system to get girls to find love and romance using personals:

  1. Set up a voicemail account. You will find companies that can do this for you in the yellow pages listed under answering services.
  2. Post your personal ad in singles publications, magazines, online, etc. Here’s a good example of a personal ad to attract single women like a magnet: SWM handsome, 38, slender Hare looking for cute bunny 25-35, romantic slender to share my carrots. Call 484-2424 (your voicemail number) to tour the town for a good time and hare raising experience. If you like to lie on the clover and nibble, a bonus.
  3. The women will call your voice mail and listen to a pre-recorded message from you. Here’s a sample script to use in your voicemail message: “I love you darling. How long have you longed to hear these words? How many times have you longed to be held in the arms of a man, to be held, caressed, and kissed?” with warmth and sweetness?, tenderly? Maybe you’re my love, who knows? My name is Don and I’m a one-woman man, writer, author, editor, 38, 6″ 1″, 185 lbs., and I wish to meet an attractive, caring, slender, caring woman aged 25-35 who is interested in a meaningful relationship.So if you are tired of what you have had so far and are ready for a top man to come into your life and treat you like a princess, please leave your phone number when the beep sounds and I will call you back as soon as possible.
  4. You can also set up 1-800 voice mail for personals in national magazines and publications and for online personals. So women will be more willing to call you since it is a free call.

In closing, the guys try this best method of using personal ads to attract single women like a magnet.

PS When you script your recorded message, speak in a very romantic and sexy tone of voice. This will turn women on!

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