In the US, gas prices started rising about four years ago, but have recently tripled, selling as high as $4.09 in most cities. For some of us who have to drive between work, school, picking up the kids and buying groceries, the price of gas has become a major expense and every penny spent hurts.

Gasoline prices are higher than ever and will not change any time soon. It just goes down 10 cents and then it goes up 80 cents. Most of us have realized that it won’t go back down to $2 or so anytime soon and have started taking steps to lower our gas bill.

There are many books written these days on tips, tricks, and techniques on how to lower your gas bill. Some of the tips include these highlights:

o Reduce commuting – move closer to work or even work from home.

o Buy a smaller car: the lighter the car, the less gasoline it will consume.

o Avoid stops: Highways run better on gasoline than local roads.

o Maintaining your speed: Do not follow too closely, it will cause unnecessary braking.

o Take off Slow from a full stop: Fast acceleration consumes more gasoline.

o Reduce the use of A/C: especially at low speed, open the windows.

o Park in the shade: You will need less air conditioning and remember that the gas evaporates if it is hot.

o Running by inertia whenever possible: for manual transmission vehicles by inertia between traffic lights.

o Check your tire pressure: Keep your tires at the recommended pressure.

o Take the first parking spot: Avoid driving all over the parking lot looking for a spot.

o Clean unnecessary objects: the lighter the car, the less gasoline it will consume.

o Check your air filter: A dirty air filter prevents the smooth flow of air for combustion.

o Use synthetic oil: Especially in older cars, synthetic oil will make your engine run better.

o Regular maintenance: Perform tune-up when necessary, your car will run more efficiently.

o Use a fuel injector cleaner: clean your fuel system from time to time, dirty injectors burn gas poorly.

These are just some of the ways to help ease the pain of rising gas prices. Recently, the most talked about, attractive and controversial gas saving system is running your car on water. This does not mean pouring water into your gas tank. There is a kit that will convert water into HHO or Brown’s gas with the help of sodium hydroxide. The gas produced fuels your car along with gasoline.

Actually, this is not a new invention or new knowledge. In 1874, in a novel called The Mysterious Island, Jules Gabriel Verne, a pioneering French author of the science fiction genre, wrote: “I believe that one day water will be used as a fuel, that the hydrogen and the oxygen that constitutes it, used alone or together, will provide an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity that coal is not capable of” since then, many researchers and scientists have spent years trying to develop and take advantage of this source of energy. Dennis Klein said, “I always believed that water held the solution to the world’s energy problems. I have made it my life’s work and our company’s mission to solve that problem.”

His lifelong work developing the idea of ​​converting water with electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen gas called HHO that burns beautifully and provides tons of energy has proven that it works. The result is that it works like fuel and can be used in cars but, unlike gasoline, it significantly reduces emissions. Until recently, the converter kit to convert your car to run on water could only be installed by a professional. Fortunately, the last six months have seen a huge improvement, there are now various kits and guides that show how to install it yourself, using inexpensive materials and without any technical knowledge.

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