If your job or profession involves giving presentations, then you need to learn how to give a good performance in front of an audience. An audience can be an individual or a group. The purpose of your presentation may be to provide some benefit to the audience by way of information or clarification or to provide some entertainment. Whatever the purpose, you must have the skills to deliver your performance in such a way that it has maximum impact on the audience. You should focus on the following aspects if you want to give a good performance in front of an audience.

1) Make sure your audience is interested in listening to you. Sometimes you may be in front of an audience that is forced to listen to you for some reason. In such a case, you must first motivate them to listen to you. Convince them that they will gain something from listening to you. An unmotivated audience will be no better than a collection of statues.

2) Establish a relationship with the audience. This relationship must be sensitive and receptive to your reactions. You need to establish a relationship with your audience as quickly as possible. You can even make your first award inspiring. You must be alert to their reactions at all times, and you must have the flexibility to make changes to your presentation in tune with the will of the audience.

3) Exudes energy all around. If you are full of intense energy and can show it, you will be able to transform your energy for the audience. One way to increase your energy is through passion. If you have an intense passion for what you are talking about, it will energize you. The combination of energy and passion will translate into care and concern for the audience, a deep awareness of their needs and expectations, and exuberant enthusiasm. You will enjoy your speech and you will feel that your audience enjoys it too. The joy and enthusiasm created by this euphoria will inject you with more energy. The overall result will be a highly charged and highly effective performance delivered with almost no effort.

You can give a great performance if you first realize your own worth and believe in your ability to deliver what you intend to distinguish from the audience’s mood. When you start with such strong power, everything like your knowledge and skill, concentration and focus, energy and enthusiasm, rapport with the audience, and keen sensitivity to their needs will all fall into place.

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