There is no shortage of female and male models. You can find all types and sizes. You could say that photographers have many options. Correct? On the contrary, the options are limited. As a photographer, how many models have crossed your path and left a good impression on you? I would be surprised if your number is two digits.

So the next question comes naturally. What qualities did these few models possess to make them stand out from the crowd? The answer lies in small details that most average photographers overlook. Today, I want to share with you seven vital aspects to make the right decision when hiring a model.


I’m sure you’ve been to a party. People come in and most go unnoticed. Then a particular person comes in and all heads turn. It is not the dress or because the boy is handsome, it is simply because the person has personality. It is the way a person behaves, walks and talks. Look for these types of models.


Is the model capable of transmitting a message? Is she shy? Does it respond to your instructions? Is there a problem with the language you both speak? All of these and other communication issues would definitely slow down your photoshoot.


A charismatic and energetic person is better than a person in a bad mood and pessimistic tendencies. It goes without saying that you will most likely get a more productive job with the first one.


What is the use of having the best but not yet accessible model? A model that is available on short notice and does its best to fit your schedule will make your job that much easier.


Time is money. You just can’t tolerate latecomers. Unfortunately, some models can’t help being late for most appointments. This is crucial, especially, if you rent a studio, you pay makeup artists and hairdressers.


It is a known fact. Some people have positive attitudes, others have negative attitudes. Attitude is the way a model responds to show their dislike or like. Attitudes are not easy to change and it is not your job. Just try to point out models with the right attitude.

Personal hygiene

I have faced models with broken nails, hair like straw, or horrible makeup. Not to mention the cleanliness and the smells. A true model doesn’t just wake up in the morning and decide to be a model. It takes discipline, determination and work. Some are born models; others take time to be molded into models.

Next time you book your model, choose your model wisely. There is more than meets the eye. Aside from the obvious merits, such as appearance and size, there are other factors that are equally important to consider. In this way, you would avoid attractive models that are below your expectations.

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