home remedy for candidiasis – Looking for a way to treat your yeast infection with things you can do from the comfort (and privacy) of your own home? Did you know that you can get some relief from the painful burning sensation of sores and blisters that someone with a severe yeast infection can get? So, look around and pick up a few things from your fridge. Take the yogurt and lemon juice. Open your cupboard and get out some vinegar and olive oil. And let’s start with some home remedies for yeast infection.

Yogurt as a home remedy for candidiasis

You can apply yogurt for a yeast infection by soaking a tampon in yogurt, inserting it into your vagina, and leaving it overnight. The lactobacillus acidophilus that is present in yogurt contains good bacteria that rebalance the pH of the vagina. The lower levels of acidity help to reduce and eliminate the candida fungus. This remedy should be repeated every night until the symptoms disappear. Another remedy that includes yogurt is to create a douching solution with water and yogurt. Put the solution in a squeeze bottle and spray directly into and around the vaginal canal.

Vinegar as a home remedy for candidiasis

Create a douching solution that contains one tablespoon of vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar if you have it on hand) per one quart of water. Use this solution to shower once a day. You can also take a warm bath where a cup of vinegar is added to warm water to relieve any burning sensations or painful sores or lesions.

Lemon juice as a home remedy for yeast infection

One of the most effective remedies that you can use to combat candida is lemon juice. Drink half a cup of lemon juice twice a day. However, be sure to rinse your mouth after each ‘drink’ to protect the acid from the lemon juice from damaging the enamel on your teeth. Additionally, you can also create a lemon juice douche to help alleviate the yeast infection. The acid in lemon can naturally combat the growth of yeast and other bacteria in and around the vagina. Make sure the amount of lemon juice you added to the water for your shower doesn’t sting too much. If you find it more painful to shower with the lemon solution, try diluting the solution as it can be a very effective treatment.

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