Hockey slang is very popular today. This game is so popular that these jargons have become an integral part of everyday life in our society. Here, we introduce some of the very common slang used by hockey players as well as hockey fans.

‘Lunch Pail Gang’ are the group of players or an individual in a team who always works very hard and gives their best to help the team. The thing to note here is that these guys sometimes don’t get the appreciation they deserve. But the team members are always positive and appreciate them anyway.

Modern sniping in this game is called a ‘slap shot’. These snipers are really good, but now they have more flexible sticks and it’s really dangerous for them to work with.

‘Stand on his head’, a very interesting phrase in fashion is used very frequently by commentators. This is often used in the case of rebound shots when the goalie is trying to stop them and the head position is close to the bag.

‘Playoff Beard’ is a superstition that most players believe in. Usually, when some people get a change in performance or life, they start growing beards. Likewise, team players also keep a playoff beard until their team wins or makes a required noticeable change in performance.

When a player scores three consecutive goals, it is called a ‘Hat-trick’. Players are usually awarded hats when they make a hat-trick.

In the USA, players are given at night for their magnificent performance in the NHL. It is followed as a ritual now. When the game ends, three stars are declared and each player comes and slides on the ice by skating on it. These were some of the common jargons in vogue.

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