The Hamsa tattoo is beautifully rich in design and includes cultural and traditional values. The style of the tattoo depicts a hand with a symbol on the palm, which is usually an eye, and can represent trust, bravery, or protection. The Hamsa design has religious significance in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Although accepted for different reasons, the tattoo design is chosen for its ability to provide protection and security in different religions. The Hamsa design can be inked with all the fingers together, signifying good luck, while the spread-fingered design is more aimed at providing a symbol to provide protection against evil.

Hamsa symbol for different religions.


In Islam, the five-finger design is intended to signify the Five Pillars of Islam, which includes: Hajj (visiting Mecca at least once by anyone financially and physically able to complete the journey), Salat (pray 5 times per day), Sawm (self-control throughout Ramadan), Shahadah (accepting Muhammad as God’s prophet) and Zakat (giving to those in need). Additionally, the Hamsa is known by the name Hand of Fatima, which is intended to honor Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima Zahra.


For those with Jewish heritage, this hand tattoo is meant to symbolize the presence of God in all things that exist in the world. The symbol of the five fingers helps remind a person to focus on all five senses when praying to God. This symbol has additional meaning to many with the belief that the depicted image of the hand relates to the five books of the Torah. To those who hold this belief, the image is known as the Hand of Miriam.


The symbol of the hand in the Christian religion has a meaning that is related to the Virgin Mary. The hand is believed to symbolize strength, power, and femininity. The tattoo design can vary and include the Jesus fish symbol. This element is incorporated into the design because the fish (Ichthys) is considered a Christian symbol. Also, in some cultures, the addition of fish provides protection against the evil eye.

Regardless of the chosen religion, the actual wearer of the Hamsa tattoo will surely believe that it provides a beneficial level of protection for family members against ill-wishers and evil in general. Many people also choose this style of body art because it is said to be a sign of good luck or fortune at the same time as granting the power of protection.

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