Once you’ve settled on the market and thoroughly researched it, hopefully you’ll have an idea for an information product that you feel confident in. Now we need to create the product.

There are a multitude of different media formats to deliver your product. These are the most popular examples, although there are many more:

White paper
E-course/ lessons
video course
MP3 sound
Continuity Program
Create your product information quickly

For your first information product, keep it simple so you can get started quickly. I would recommend a short report of 20-50 pages, with the audio MP3 of the report to accompany it (most people prefer to listen to the audio and follow along with the report than just read it).

Hear is a quick and easy way to create an info product. Let’s stick with the sales example from the previous post, as I’m sure it’s relevant to many of you who have sales experience. Prepare a script for a presentation-style lecture on your chosen topic, say “Build a customer relationship quickly.” Make it about an hour long and break it up into multiple sections (I’ll explain why soon). Create a video seminar where you present the information (you can even use your webcam if you want. There are plenty of free trial software to help you with this part. It’s as easy as doing a Google search to find). Record it and there you have it, your first information product.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing a video presentation, just do an audio one. The software I use for this is called “Stepvoice Recorder” and the sound editing software I use is called “WavePad Sound Editor”. Both are available with 30-day free trials, so there’s no need to spend money to purchase the software.

“What if the product I want to create for my niche has already been created by someone else?”

I hear you cry! So there are 4 things you can do:

You can try to acquire the “Resale Rights” of the product. If the product has been around for a while and its creator/author has stopped promoting it, maybe you can buy the rights and sell it.

You could do a “Joint Venture” with the creator/author. This means that you and the author work together to create a revised or “new improved” version of the product and split the profits.

Find out if there is an “Affiliate Program” associated with the product that you can participate in (we will cover this in more detail in the letter in the post series). Becoming a product affiliate means selling someone else’s product and receiving a commission. It’s very detailed and you could be here for days reading about it if I wrote everything there is!

You could drill down to the niche again to find the “niche within the niche”. For example, if you’re an expert at selling to corporations, how about concentrating on sales presentations or building rapport with the customer or body language and physical buying cues? You can break it down again and focus on sales presentations for software products or lingerie or whatever you’re knowledgeable about.

Then you need to drill down to the niche again to find the “niche within the niche”. For example, if you’re an expert at selling to corporations, how about concentrating on sales presentations or developing the customer relationship or body language and physical buying cues? You can break it down again and focus on sales presentations for software products or lingerie or whatever you’re knowledgeable about.

Increase the value of your product

To increase the value of your product, why not include the script you’ve written as a “Free Bonus” PDF download so people can follow along with your presentation? Why not break the seminar up into its sections so that it becomes a seminar course and produce a workbook to match it and provide an MP3 podcast as a “free bonus”. you can even post snippets of the video to YouTube as part of your marketing strategy (but we’ll go into more detail later in the post series)

If you really want to start adding value, you can have a physical bound workbook to accompany your course, burn the course to CD format, and send it to your clients. Then they will have a tangible product that will give them higher perceived value. The key here is to really make your offer massively and overwhelmingly valuable!

You should include free bonuses, unannounced bonuses, bonus podcasts, bonus free membership on your site where they get discounts on future products, etc.

There you have it, your first informational product created for a hungry market.

Thank you for reading.

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