Yes, unfortunately the magic of Disney doesn’t work with the elements and it can rain at Disney World. In particular, the summer months can experience quite a bit of rain. So what are you going to do if this happens to you?

First of all, you can see it as a good thing. Rain means other people leave the parks. The advantage of this, of course, is that the lines are getting thinner as people give up and go home. As long as you’re prepared, you can be one of those who stays and enjoys the shorter lines. To stay dry, the best thing you can do is buy a Disney rain poncho. These huge plastic ponchos aren’t the most attractive thing you’ve ever seen, but they’ll keep you dry. They are not always on display in stores, and you have to ask for them. Maybe no one wants to admit that it rains in The Happiest Place on Earth. They are nice and durable though, although you’ll probably never use them if you’re not at a theme park. I don’t think anyone really wants to be seen wearing a giant plastic rain poncho with Mickey Mouse on the back unless they’re in the sympathetic setting of a theme park! Everyone looks the same in a Disney poncho (unless, like me, you’ve had yours for years and it’s still in last season’s color). If you want to be able to recognize your family when they are dressed for the rain, you may want to buy a poncho at another store!

If you have a stroller, always wear your poncho over it when parking the stroller outside the attraction. That way, you won’t have to explain to your child, who is yelling in protest, that it’s actually okay to sit in a wet seat for the next two hours. Another idea if you have small children in a stroller is to put a small towel in the basket of the stroller, it could be very useful.

Go inside. This may seem a bit obvious, but there are a lot of things to do at Disney that are undercover. Showers tend not to last that long, so if you can sit in one of the shows or rides for a while, then you might as well get out into the sunshine again.

Take a look at the map. Even dressed in your Mickey poncho, don’t plan on walking halfway across the park in a downpour.

You might jump at the chance to head out of the park for a while (don’t forget your hand stamp). Exploring one of the Disney resort hotels is a great way to pass the time. If you’re at the Magic Kingdom, you can easily get to The Floridian, The Contemporary, and The Polynesian on the monorail or boat.

So see the rain as an opportunity and use it to your advantage.

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