When we look back at the fall of the United States, and sooner or later, the only fundamental factor that ultimately ushered in the decline of the United States was legislation that was overlooked, forgotten, or otherwise deemed unlawful. essential to the United States. audience. The importance of the 1871 Act is that from that moment on the United States ceased to be a Democratic Republic and all legislation was designed for the sole purpose of enriching the corporate state of the United States.

Today, when we hear the congressional hearings and all the political rhetoric that keeps our airways busy, they all evoke the Constitution. Sad to say, the Constitution they so enthusiastically refer to is a forgery and is deliberately designed to aid and legalize the illegitimacy of the now-corporate United States. We have to remember that our Founding Fathers designed the original constitution to protect against outside intervention, such as European bankers, to gain a foothold in any legislation that comes out of our Congress. Even President Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln understood the dangers that foreign intervention in tax matters would have on the American public.

In 1871, the United States was still struggling to pay off its war debts. To secure the funds needed to pay off war debts, Congress was desperate for funds. Enter the Rothschilds and the Bank of England. The Rothschilds and other European bankers were eager to gain a foothold in the United States, and with the United States in financial straits, it was a golden opportunity to do just that. But, for the United States to get much-needed funds, the only way the Rothschilds’ Bank of England would lend the money to the United States was by incorporating the United States. Thus, the 1871 Act made the United States a corporation.

Before 1871, the United States government could only depend on the citizens in the form of taxes for all government spending. the supply of currency was very limited. Money the government did not have was needed to stabilize the economy and the 1871 Act was seen as necessary to prevent a debilitating depression. The 1871 Act established the UNITED STATES Corporation. Note that the words UNITED STATES are capitalized, which means that, according to the law, it is different from the United States.

The 1871 Act also produced an alternative Constitution, which is still misinterpreted as the original Constitution. The Constitution is now known as The Constitution of the United States of America. A change so subtle that not many noticed the difference with the original, The Constitution of the United States of America. But this change was necessary because foreign investors have now gained influence by lending money to the United States at high interest. Now, with continued international financing paving the way for the existence of the Federal Reserve. Thus, the national debt has only continued to increase.

To this day, so many Americans don’t even realize that we have not become sovereigns, capable of directing their own destiny, but citizens of a corporation. We wonder why the government can get away with its massive abuses, such as unfunded mandates and a debt that continues to burden each and every American. We have essentially become employees of corporate America. The twisted, illegal, and treacherous law of 1871 pulled America away from the very fiber and core of what our Founding Fathers forged when they wrote the original Constitution.

If we the people were to realize the extent of transvestites who have toyed with the American public since 1871, there would be such an outcry of injustice that Congress would have no choice but to repeal the 1871 Act. American public. of the stranglehold the Federal Reserve has had on the American public. The Federal Reserve would be superseded by the US Treasury’s constitutional right to print currency without interest and our currency would be backed by gold. It is enough to think of a debt-free society because with the repeal of the 1871 Law, all debt would be cancelled.

Today the federal government is the corporation and all Americans are required to pay their debts. But if we come together and repeal this act that is illegal anyway, just think of the liberties lost and the liberties that would be restored. It is time for the American people to realize that a grave injustice has been done to them since 1871 and repeal the 1871 Act before this country really falls.

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