In a recent, highly referenced study conducted by IBM Global Business Services, a group of more than 1,500 CEOs in 60 countries and 33 industries agreed that “creativity” is now the most important leadership quality for business success. .

Neither “global approach”, nor “integrity”, not even the much-heralded “sustainability”. Goal “creativity”.

Steven Tomasco of IBM Global Business Services found the result surprising, considering we’ve just emerged (hopefully) from a historic economic downturn the likes of which most of these CEOs have never experienced in their professional lives.

In terms of actual percentages, 60% of respondents ranked “creativity” #1. Second was “integrity.” (With all due respect to Steven Tomasco, we suggest that this is the most surprising outcome in this “ends justify the means” era of corporate governance.)

In fact, for those lucky enough to have had access to the crystal ball of entrepreneurial success in recent years, in our new “innovation economy” that “creativity” ranks #1 is hardly surprising. In fact, it is expected.

If there’s one secret to business success today, it’s the willingness and ability to continually reinvent one’s value proposition, deliver ever greater value to customers, and recognize that the consumer makes the decisions—every decision.

Consider that 88% of CEOs surveyed also ranked “getting closer to the customer” as the #1 focus area, followed closely by “people skills” (81%) and “insight and intelligence” ( 76%).

Creativity, people skills, insight/intelligence…it all comes down to a consumer driven model of success.

The dominant companies in today’s market understand this. They work diligently to stay one step ahead of consumer needs. It is no longer about the ability to respond, it is about the need to anticipate. Give your customers what they want, before they even know they want it, and you’ll rise to the top of the competitive corporate food chain. Don’t, even for a moment, and prepare to fall fast.

So what does creativity have to do with all of this? Why is it necessary to “think outside the box” to meet consumer demand?

Because your customers have no idea what they’ll want tomorrow, even if they want it now. And they won’t tell you; that’s too much work. They want you to tell them; and when they see it, they will know it. Tell them what they want and if you’re right, you win the brass ring. And if you don’t do it, surely someone else will.

There’s a bit of alchemy involved in this, the ability to ask, “What if?”

“What if my clients had done it? How would it make their lives better, easier, and more productive?”

This business model is not for the faint of heart. It is not based on market data (backward-looking), proven successes (backward-looking), or established business practices (backward-looking). It is based on vision… and the ability to manifest it.

Apple understands. Google too. Microsoft did it once. So did AOL and iomega and many others who stumbled, stumbled, and tumbled off the front pages of the business press. Entrepreneurial success means redefining yourself on a daily basis. These surveyed corporate leaders know this, even if they are not currently doing so. Those who will ultimately act on it will be available to answer IBM’s next survey. Those who don’t???

And yes? That is the pressing question. Can you provide the answer?

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