Scabies is a mite that develops into a rash on someone when the person becomes a host to the insects. It is extremely contagious and they burrow under the outer layer of the skin to reproduce. This results in formations of red, itchy pimples, known as a scabies rash. They are not visible to the naked eye, so you will probably never see one. The skin can itch uncontrollably and can also cause blisters. The mites and their debris cause this allergic reaction, and the rash is not due to the bite. If you were in contact with someone with scabies, you may not see it develop on your own body for a week or several weeks. Some people do not get it, and this may be because they have minimal contact with the person or the immune system.

One myth about scabies is that it is due to dirt. This is not true, as scabies can occur in very fancy nursing homes. The mite is transmitted by contact, so if someone gets it from a grandchild or in a hospital, they can spread it to other people around them. A second myth is that you can use lice treatments to treat scabies. Scabies requires 5 percent allowrin treatment and lice use one percent. A third myth is that if you had scabies you can’t get it again. This is not the case, and in fact, if you had it before, you will notice symptoms within a few days instead of weeks later.

It’s a good idea for all family members to receive treatment at the same time to prevent the disease from spreading back and forth. The bedding and clothing of the person infected with scabies should be washed in hot water and ironed to remove the mites and their eggs. The most important part of the treatment would be to apply the pesticide cream. You can get rid of this pest, but stay vigilant and be careful if you return to the environment where you picked it up.

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