Google AdSense is a great way to increase your income from optimized and monetized website ads.

With this great opportunity, Google created its AdSense policies to prevent any deceptive and illegal activities for the personal benefit of a particular advertiser.

The Google AdSense Program Policies set forth the various rules and regulations for how publishers must work and act when using Google AdSense.

These policies will also help provide a fair foundation for each publisher so that no publisher takes advantage of the opportunities provided by this advertising platform.

It also sets limits to give equal opportunities to all publishers. It is your responsibility as a website owner or publisher to do your best to prevent your account from being disabled.

Invalid activities refer to any manipulative and deceptive activity in advertisements that is not initiated by the genuine interest of web visitors in the advertisement.

Such activities are strictly prohibited on Google AdSense. These invalid activities include ad clicks by the publisher itself to increase click-through rate.

It may also include the publisher enlisting the help of others to click on the ads to increase revenue and encourage clicks by drawing attention to the ads.

Google has been harsh in informing publishers not to engage in such activities. In addition to invalid clicks, there are other activities that are strictly prohibited.

Be careful and pay attention to the following tips to avoid account termination:

  • All publishers must ensure that ads associated with Google never appear in unsolicited pop-ups. Shopping traffic to your website may just contain adware.
  • As a user benefiting from Google services, you should be careful when using Google’s trademarks. Never use any Google trademark or logo without obtaining proper consent. All publishers must respect Google’s trademarks.
  • Never change the Google AdSense code. You can be excellent and a pro with anything related to HTML.
  • But never assume that you can just add your own code and easily get away with it.
  • If you’re new to HTML, all you have to do is simply copy and paste the provided code. Never try to change or alter anything.

Please respect the rules of Google AdSense and the rights of your fellow advertisers. By being honest with your work, everyone will have a chance to earn with Google AdSense.

Hoarding every opportunity to make money by being deceitful will get you nowhere. Google will always get a way to detect any illegal activity.

Remember, once your Google AdSense account is canceled or disabled, you can’t create a new one. Google will simply disable the new account.

Once you have committed any invalid activity, you will be completely banned from using Google AdSense services.

Google’s support page provides a wealth of information on how to properly use and operate your account.

Reading it and following it would not hurt. In fact, it would actually be very beneficial.

By following the rules, each publisher will provide a good environment for all users.

The rules for using Google AdSense may seem strict. However, all publishers should keep in mind that protecting the integrity of this program is in your best interest and in the best interest of Google.

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