Butterflies, also known as butterfly dogs, get their distinctive butterfly wings that look like ears with fringed hair. They are delicate and peculiar-looking dogs with abundant, silky fur. They have no undercoat and their hair is quite long. Although they are not as sensitive as other toy dogs, when it comes to allergies, butterflies can still suffer from them and even cause them to their owners. Owners should always be on the lookout for any allergic symptoms their pets may exhibit.

Symptoms that your butterfly is having an allergic reaction may include excessive scratching, itching, and licking at its ears, snout, legs, or other body parts. Other symptoms can also include hair loss, recurrent ear infections, and changes in bowel movements. A dad experiencing an allergic reaction might also salivate and start licking his body, hair dyed orange or red is a sure sign of allergies in dogs. Difficulty breathing is a symptom primarily experienced by humans rather than dogs.

Allergies do not always start from birth, some butterflies develop them even in maturity. Allergic reactions can come from foods, parasites, insects, mold, pollen, changes in weather, weeds, and fall seasons. Knowing what your dog is allergic to doesn’t have to be a trial and error experience, just like with humans there is a test available to determine items or foods that dogs may be allergic to. Knowing is winning half the battle by helping butterflies avoid such allergens. There are some basic allergens that dogs can be susceptible to, these include;

Allergies to fleas and bacteria: This is more common, especially in furry dogs. Dogs can experience extreme itching in the area of ​​the bite, leading to redness, hair loss, and sometimes even sores. The flea is actually not as dangerous as its saliva passing through your pet and causing the allergic reaction. Flea bites are harmful to both dogs and humans and can be treated with proper grooming and cleaning, and a medicated shampoo if necessary. Garlic added to dog food is known to repel fleas and other insects. You can also spray vinegar water on the dogs outdoor space to get rid of bugs. Bacteria can also affect dogs, normally it would also cause severe itching and lesions, this could be a staph infection; if this is the case, immediate medical attention is needed for both dog and owner.

Inhalants: These are also called atopy or hypersensitivity allergens in the environment. Symptoms would include scratching, itching, and salivation causing an orange or reddish coat. This would include those that can be inhaled, it may come as a surprise to new dog owners, but they may also be allergic to pollen. Other inhalants include cigarette smoke, mold, mildew, dust, and dust mites. This is usually treated with antibiotics, shampoos, and antihistamines. Hypersensitivity or exposing your pet to the allergen little by little to get the butterflies’ immune system working is often used as a last resort.

Food allergies: This type of allergy is usually easy to detect, since it can have an immediate reaction. Food allergy can be differentiated from intolerance judging by the symptom. Intolerance often causes diarrhea or upset stomach, while allergies can show symptoms similar to atopy. Dogs can often be allergic to specific foods such as beef, dairy, eggs, chicken, lamb, and fish.

With allergies, it’s always better to be safe than sorry and it’s important to know what your pap smear is allergic to. Although Papillons are generally healthy dogs, they are fragile and severe allergic reactions can be fatal to them.

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