If you think dating women is uncomfortable, you are perfectly normal! However, any anxiety you feel can be reduced just by doing a few homework. If you go blind, you risk boredom and rejection. Read on to find out things you can ask women when they’re on a date to make them look completely attractive and interesting …

What should I ask women on a date? 3 deadly questions

Question number one: “Who is your favorite friend from Friends?” This would be a great way to start a conversation about TV shows and movies, which are basic talking points. It would even be very likely that she really loves Friends (since most women tend to!).

However, if you don’t watch Friends, you can always ask about Sex and the City.

Question number two: “What are your goals in life?” This question is pretty “deep”, but it will get a woman talking about her passions in life. This would be essential because if you can get a woman to become more intense or “invested”, you are more likely to fall deeply in love with you.

This is also commonly known as the “get values” tactic that seduction experts use to make women fall in love with them faster. Test it!

Question number three: “How was your childhood?” This “memory regression” technique can get a woman “addicted” to you on an emotional level, if done correctly. It also turns out to be a good starting point for a conversation, as all women love to talk about happy experiences and memories. In fact, they could just go on and on for hours!

Now that you are aware of the things you can ask women, it would be important to work on some techniques to build rapport. One technique, known as fractioning, involves sending a woman on a roller coaster of emotions, resulting in a complete emotional bond with you.

Division, which is a simple two-step formula, makes a woman feel emotionally connected to you very quickly by using some really clever undercover psychology tactics. Use simple conversation tricks to make a woman feel like she’s been through a lot with you, even though you actually just met her 15 minutes ago.

This “time warp” illusion is only possible using the best hypnosis or neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques, but with the fractionation formula you can achieve the same results without being a master hypnotist or NLP expert. techniques. It’s really amazing, try it tonight!

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