In the United States, there are more than a million licensed real estate professionals, although only a relatively small percentage of them are responsible for the vast majority of closed transactions. So, whether you’re looking to sell your home or are a qualified potential buyer, it’s wise to choose your agent carefully, based on their personal best interests and, after interviewing them, feeling that they have the right combination of attitude, aptitude, skills, persistence, professionalism and experience to meet your needs, goals and priorities! After more than 15 years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I am a firm believer in these 6 things you should require of your hire. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss what this means and represents, and why it is important.

one. Integrity: The real estate professional you choose must consistently exhibit absolute integrity! To serve and represent you, you need and deserve someone you feel safe in, someone you can rely on constantly, in good times, or less!

two. Loyalty: Almost every state, as well as those of the Realtor Board, include a Code of Ethics, regarding the conduct required of a real estate agent, to their clients and clients, etc! One of the key components is, due to a customer, complete loyalty and protection of her privacy, etc. Your chosen professional must consistently put you first and never provide any information that could harm or compromise your interests (however, that does not mean breaking the law and/or providing any material inaccuracies!)

3. Tell them what they need to know: My service – branding, slogan, is, I will always tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear. You need and deserve someone who informs you, in a realistic way, instead of wearing rose-colored glasses.

Four. Prepare for the client: Agents owe their clients the preparation and willingness to fully and consistently prepare them for potential possibilities, in order to make this process as stress-free as possible! When you prepare your clients properly, the transaction period becomes easier.

5. Negotiation experience: One of the reasons for hiring a specific agent is their degree of negotiating experience, in order to achieve the best price, in the shortest possible time, with a minimum of hassle! This requires the individual to thoroughly understand and know the local real estate market etc.

6, Management details: The transaction period is often full of challenges and requires managing the details, effectively and efficiently, on a constant basis!

Since, for most, the value of their home is their most important financial asset, doesn’t it make sense to do what you can to secure it, protect it, make the best decisions and take the smartest actions! Consider These 6 Things When Hiring Your Real Estate Agent!

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