With the increase in home sales thanks to the improving economy, there is a greater need for home preparation businesses. Real estate agents, as well as current owners who want to sell their homes quickly, have realized the importance of having a professional take care of the staging of the furniture. The staging allows the prospective homebuyer to see what the house has in terms of potential. If you’ve wanted to get into the home staging business, here are some tips to get you started.

1. Know your market. Every market in the country is a little different. Some places have higher home values ​​than others. Some markets also have different “tastes”, for example cute country would seem out of place in New York City. In contrast, the cool urban gray tones of New York would look strange in a North Carolina farmhouse. A good staging professional will be able to stage a house perfectly for the market.

2. Get to know the home. Any remodeling that has been completed should be highlighted during the staging. All that work that was done to improve the house is to brag about! The staging can be done with lighting and special furniture that draws attention to the renovations. This is different from redecorating the house: you are there to improve the house.

3. Be prepared with knowledge, mainly of current trends in decoration. Many people are pretty up to date with trends thanks to the prevalence of home improvement websites and social networking sites like Pinterest. There are some classes you can take that will help you stay up to date. You should also be prepared to know your own limitations: can you move the furniture yourself, or will you need a helper? It also requires knowing your own personality. When you let your skills shine, that confidence will be irresistible to your clients.

4. Do some research on running a business. After all, you’re running your own entire business, and while most of your time will be spent doing what you love, staging, you’ll also need to keep financial records, submit any proper registration paperwork, and manage the income you will get. bringing. There are community college classes you can take that will help you become better equipped to handle the nuts and bolts of running the business.

5. Be strong. You may have some very opinionated homeowners who resist your suggestions. Just remember that they will be blind to their own decorations and clutter. They need you because you can be unbiased and help them arrange the furniture in the rooms in the most attractive way. Ether, his owner or agent recognized the need for a home stager to come and help. They want your experience and design ability, whether they admit it or not.

When you put all the pieces together and start your home assembly business, you will find that you have created a very rewarding business that will satisfy you and provide great service to your customers. Best of luck!

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