Health Fitness

How alcohol makes you fat

If you took a look at the title of this article, you might have cringed. When it comes to fitness, nutrition, weight loss, and general health, many of us have problem areas. There are some people who have a glass of red wine with dinner every night. Others skip drinking altogether on weekdays, then start drinking a few on Thursday

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Legal Law

How to find an experienced bankruptcy attorney

A bankruptcy attorney has the ability to guide you through the entire bankruptcy filing process. In the process of searching for the qualified professional, you want to find someone with whom you feel comfortable discussing your private financial matters, an expert in their field, and who will quote a fair price. Here are some things to consider in the process

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Do Powerball Lottery Tickets Expire?

Powerball Lottery Tickets The answer to the question "Do Powerball lottery tickets expire" depends on where you play. Some states have shorter expiration dates than others, but generally, tickets last a year from the draw date. In other states, Powerball tickets are good for 180 days after the drawing date. You can check the expiration date of your Powerball ticket

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Lifestyle Fashion

“Star Wars”, star dishes

The Force accompanies the protagonists of the "Star Wars" franchise but, in addition, the stellar heroes must eat well to live the adventures that have hooked their followers for a quarter of a century. Thibaud Villanova describes in the book "Star Wars" some of the galactic menus that can be savored in the worlds that Luke Skywalker explores. The most

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South Georgia and North Florida

Thomasville, known as the Rose City, is the second largest city in Southeast Georgia and is filled with rich history, specialty shops, and southern natural beauty that surrounds the city. Adjacent to the Thomasville Rose Garden is Cherokee Park, one of the most scenic parks Thomasville has to offer. The park's mile-long paved trail winds around the lake through boardwalks

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Real Estate

Renovate your home or sell and update?

Many homeowners, at some point in time, recognize that their needs today are perhaps considerably different than they were when they originally purchased their existing home. Perhaps the house is too small or needs a different layout/configuration to meet your present and/or future needs? Perhaps you need more bedrooms, a bigger kitchen, etc., and you need to make a decision

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Arts Entertainments

The Kite Runner – Social impact on the perception of friendships

Friendships. The basis of human interaction. The fusion of two individuals who share secrets, desires and passions. The term is loosely defined at best, and can never be given a particular set of attributes or requirements to qualify as a bona fide friendship. The variations are numerous and can range from superficial conversations to deep neural connections and ultimately love.

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The benefits of investing in dividends

Dividends are the payments received by the shareholders of the corporation. Represents the utility of your share subscription declared by the Board of Directors. It can be in the form of cash, property or stock dividends. Dividend investing is a way of earning passive income for companies that distribute their retained earnings without restriction to their shareholders. There are companies

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