Healthy living is also achievable and sustainable; Although there are various factors that could work against your health, getting the right information/knowledge and applying it to your life would help you enjoy a life free of disease or illness.

There are tips that you could apply to your life if you want to stay healthy at all times and avoid being bombarded by microorganisms from the outside and sometimes from the inside. These tips would also help you stay away from unhealthy practices that could jeopardize your well-being even in the absence of microorganisms.

1. Eat a balanced diet: Eating a diet that contains the right nutrients in the right proportions would help keep your body fit and healthy at all times.

2. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables: they strengthen your immune system and strengthen your resistance against the invasion of microorganisms.

3. Eat foods rich in fiber, eg cereals, nuts, etc. These would help keep your digestive system healthy and minimize the incidence of constipation and colon cancer.

4. Drink up to 1,500 – 3,000 ml of water a day: Water provides a medium for your body’s metabolism. Helps rid the body of toxins; and also helps maintain body temperature.

5. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Helps clean up your system.

6. Wash your fruits and vegetables before eating: This helps prevent infestation of diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal worms.

7. Cover your food to prevent contamination, especially by house flies. Cockroaches etc.

8. Cook your food properly before consuming it: this would kill worm eggs and also destroy bacterial cysts in food.

9. Chew the food well before swallowing: It would help to properly digest the food and reduce the workload of the digestive system.

10. Don’t eat food that shows signs of spoilage: it could infect you with germs and make you sick.

11. Reheat food if it is left out for several hours before eating – this helps destroy any bacteria that may grow in the food, eg Staphylococcus, shigella, salmonella, etc.

12. Do not store cooked food below raw food in the same refrigerator or freezer: Raw food could contaminate cooked food and cause problems.

13. Do not overheat your oil before using it. Overheating makes it toxic and dangerous.

14. Do not drink cold water immediately after eating extremely hot food. It breaks your teeth.

15. Minimize consumption of sweets/sugar; they provide a medium for bacteria to grow and destroy teeth.

16. Consume less alcohol: Alcohol could overtax your liver if taken in excess. They could also cause hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver if taken for a long time.

17. Cut down or stop smoking cigarettes altogether: It contains many toxic chemicals that could destroy your health. It could cause cancer of the lips, lungs; premature birth etc.

18. Minimize coffee intake. Too much coffee can raise blood pressure.

19. Do not use drugs: It can negatively affect your physical, social and mental life and destroy your dreams.

20. Control your weight. Too much weight can make you prone to diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

The way you treat your health determines whether you enjoy a state of well-being or whether you continue to suffer from infectious diseases. Take good care of your life and you will definitely enjoy optimal health.

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