Legal Law

How to Condense Your Law School Schemes

Schema condensation is crucial to success in law school. To attack your endings in a timely and orderly fashion, you simply can't be furiously back and forth in a fight against time. You need to be calm, collected and methodical during your exam - here are some tips to make your outline contribute. This article assumes that, like most law

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Legal Law

Small Business Private Investor Loan

Looking for a way to finance your small business, but having trouble finding a lender that will work with you? Do you need cash to start or grow your business, but can't afford to take the time to put everything together for a typical bank loan? Your business can still open and grow with a small business private investor loan.

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Legal Law

Punishment for those who deserve it

The other day I was helping a friend of mine who stays far from here. He probably doesn't even know how much I do for him. I spent almost an entire day in my already busy week doing stuff for him. Although it was physical work, I enjoyed it.It was nice to do a little manual labor for a change.

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Legal Law

dowry deaths a social tragedy

Indeed, marriages are made in heaven, but death by dowry, murder-suicide, and bride burning are all symptoms of peculiar social ills, which have spawned like a "Black Death." The word 'dowry' was defined in the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, which states that dowry means any valuable property or security given or agreed to be given directly or indirectly by one

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Legal Law

Summary of Stephen King "The green Mile"

Many people will have first come across Stephen King's novel The Green Mile, not really knowing that it was once a book written by the famous author. The novel was first written as a series in 1996, but was later made into a movie in 1999, starring Tom Hanks and nominated for 4 Academy Awards, including the prestigious category of

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Legal Law

The psychographics of a fashion marketing campaign

We talked last issue about the "oh my gosh" effect that happens between like-minded people recognizing each other, and as I promised in a previous article, I'll explain it in more detail.Shattered Girlz ProfileI met the designer of a fantastic t-shirt brand the other day that operates under the label "Shattered Girlz." She has a passionate personal story that instantly

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Legal Law

The Advantage of Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

There are two types of criminal offenses in Canada, each with their own procedural phases: summary conviction offenses and indictable offences. Most crimes are dual or hybrid procedure. This means that the Crown Prosecutor can choose to prosecute by summary conviction or indictment.Summary conviction offensesThese crimes generally carry a penalty of up to a maximum of six months in prison,

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