
Opnet Modeler: a network simulation tool

OPNET introductionOptimized Network Engineering Tools (OPNET) is a comprehensive engineering system capable of simulating large communications networks with detailed protocol modeling and performance analysis. OPNET has been designed to provide a complete working environment for the network modeler that takes advantage of the sophisticated graphics of engineering workstations. The tools provided by OPNET from a tightly integrated system with the

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Nothing is more valuable than your health

How valuable is your health? If you manage to earn a lot of money and have a lot of things, what good is it if you won't be around to enjoy them? That's right, if you don't have your health, you don't have much else. Therefore, your health quickly becomes one of your top priorities.It's a shame that the actor

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6 tips for choosing high-speed internet

Today we have many needs and the internet is one of them. We need as we need energy and water. In fact, people who use the Internet simply cannot live without it. When we talk about the Internet, most people think of slow speeds. If you've been looking for high-speed internet, you might want to read on.1. A BIGGER NUMBER

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The best home business idea

If you are looking for an ideal home business idea that works for you, then you may find it a bit difficult to browse the internet and search for genuine and legitimate opportunities. Because the Internet is such a large place, it can be very difficult to find the best options, as there are so many scams that there are

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SuperCharged Secret 4, the utopia of credit cards

YOU SCRAP MY BACK AND I'LL BUY MORE BEER!Let's take a brief moment to recap:If you've been following this journey with me, learning the 5 super charged secrets of the credit card utopia, then now you know 3 very important things: Now you know how to take advantage of zero or low interest credit card offers. Now you know there

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How Contact Lenses Were Invented

When it comes to vision, history has been full of visionaries. Many people think that contact lenses are an invention of the 20th century. In fact, people have been trying to find a way to get rid of their glasses for centuries. Leonardo da Vinci had the idea in the 16th century. As he did with many of his ideas,

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Don’t get bitten by bad apples

It's amazing how quickly a bitter employee can ruin a work group or the life of a supervisor. Often times, because the signs of morale are subtle, a manager may supervise a disgruntled employee and not realize it until it is too late. As a manager, your goal is to recognize a situation that has the seeds of sabotage and

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The Wild West – American Frontier

The American, the Wild West (Old West), or the American frontier, was a period that began after the Civil War in 1865 and ended around 1895.It was an iconic era of legendary cowboys, Indians, pioneers, outlaws, saloon madam and legislators. Outlaws preyed on banks, trains, and stagecoaches and legendary figures like Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Wild Bill Hickock,

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