Arts Entertainments

Common spray paint problems

Your vehicle's paint job will likely go through many trials and tribulations throughout its life. Many people keep the paint and finish on their cars, saving some money in the process. But while it may be cheaper to do the work if you do it yourself, you may run into a lot of problems that you could run into along

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Arts Entertainments

70s clothing

The 1970s is the decade that spawned fun and electrifying styles in the fashion world. People of that time defined fashion as an adventurous dive into eye-catching and outlandish clothing designs. The popular trend was characterized by flashy outfits, heavy makeup, and extravagant hairstyles. The highest level of experimentation in fashion occurred in that decade. Although, it does not mean

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Arts Entertainments

Happy Fiftieth Birthday to Biff Rose Children Of Light album, A Forgotten Treasure

Mathematical equations can sometimes be used to describe certain musical performers, and the formula really helps identify their particular sound. Pointing out the most familiar recording artist combinations is the best thing you can do to hear the unfamiliar artist with your own ears.With that in mind, take Randy Newman and connect him with Tom Paxton. Then add Loudon Wainwright

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Arts Entertainments

The 6 most popular cars on television

Cars get their reputation from being seen on television. Some of the cars may have impossible capabilities and this is what makes them so interesting.Chevy Impala on supernatural - this car was known as the Winchester vehicle. It's definitely a standout because it's on everyone's list. Although the car is incredibly heavy and slower than most cars today, it is

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Arts Entertainments

Philanthropic efforts driven by crowdfunding

The concept of crowdsourcing has grown enormously in recent years. People are promoting various causes, from personal to philanthropic, for the general public to support. Innovations What started as a concept to finance innovations and creative feats has been transformed to include generating money for community projects and the like. These days, many cause-oriented groups and individuals are making tons

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