Key control is exactly that: control of your locking keys. Getting there is much more difficult than you think. You may think that if you have it with you, you are controlling it. There are many other considerations that go into full key control, they are:

  • How many keys in total were cut for that lock code?
  • Can you account for all your keys and who has them?
  • Has that lock code ever been repeated?
  • Do you have a high security lock?
  • Are Your Locks Patent Protected?
  • What does the patent protect?

The security of the locks is as strong as the control of the keys. You can have the strongest and best high security lock made, but if you can’t control your keys, that very expensive lock is not very secure. It doesn’t matter what type of lock you buy. You can make it safer by practicing good control.

It is more difficult in a company. The rules are the same, but there are more people involved. This is where lockable keyrings and tamper proof keyrings are used. With lockable rings, you put them in a ring and they are usually locked with a high security lock. For tamper proof rings, the keys are attached to the ring, then the ring is clamped shut. Each ring has a unique serial number. The only way to get the keys out of the ring is to cut them. By wearing these rings, you will be able to keep track of your keys, they also help prevent key loss.

When a key is lost or cannot be accounted for, a decision must be made. In case you change the password on these locks or risk the wrong person not finding the lost password. This decision is made depending on what that lock was protecting and what that value is to you. Changing the key in the lock is less expensive than replacing it. Changing the keys involves changing the locking pins and cutting new keys to match. Older keys will no longer operate the lock.

High security padlocks come with registered lock codes and provide a higher level of key control. Generally, key control is maintained in a computer database and keys can be accounted for until they reach the end user. What happens next is the responsibility of the end user.

Take key control seriously, without key control there is no real lock security.

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