The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot, 3rd Revised Edition, 917 Pages, Author: Joseph M. Luguya, Published March 2007, Original Books Publisher {Inspired by the Devil Series, by Joseph M. Luguya}.

The devil professes the Roman Catholic faith! That well-kept secret of the Evil One ceases to be a secret when Christian Mjomba, a member of the seminary brotherhood, is tempted to do the unthinkable. He’s tempted to use the Evil One as his mouthpiece to expound some of the Church’s most abstruse doctrines for a winning theological thesis, and he falls for it!

The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot is a story about a man’s journey to hell and back. It is also about the devil’s desire to have his due.

Christian Mjomba, a Catholic seminarian who has been nicknamed “Judas Iscariot” by his fellow seminarians due to his liberal views, is a “prisoner of his own imagination”; and he believes that he can do it with an Old Scratch helping hand of all people. He believes that he can use the Ruler of the Underworld as his spokesman to enunciate the dogmas of the Church, thus making it a winning thesis!

The fact is that, in choosing the topic of his theological thesis, Mjomba was influenced above all by one thing, namely the role traditionally played by the so-called Devil’s Advocate in the canonization process in Rome. Mjomba reasons that if it is right for a cardinal, a Prince of the Church, to put himself in the shoes of Diabolos and not limit himself to acting, but to represent the Prince of Darkness in a matter as serious as the canonization of a saint , there could be nothing wrong with a seminarian going to the library and catching up on everything that had been written about Beelzebub, and then stepping into the fucking shoes and using it to do what he hated to do, and! That is working for the salvation of souls instead of their damnation! In reality, Mjomba’s plan is for the devil to reveal his dirty secrets in what he hopes is the equivalent of Satan’s “State of the World Speech.”

But the student soon discovers that it is the devil who is using him and not the other way around.

Using the platform freely offered to him by the unsuspecting seminarian, the Ruler of the Underworld soon settles in comfortably as the Defender of Truth, even making the successors of the apostles look like neophytes! He pontificates on a myriad of topics while the seminarian obediently puts everything in writing. Beelzebub’s sermons on such daunting topics as the workings of divine grace and damnation will blow your mind! The devil takes the position that the Church of Rome is the one, true, and apostolic Church founded by the Liberator, and he puts together arguments to prove it, and he has some very convincing arguments in his arsenal!

By chance, not long before, a group of Canadian tourists, trudging through a valley near the Dead Sea, had come across scrolls containing a mine of information that not only corroborated the four gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in many aspects, but also included a biography of Judas Iscariot. The “Canadian Scrolls” as they are called fully support the Evil Ghost’s position on the Catholic Church!

But that is not all. At about the same time, copper miners in the Mountains of the Moon in western Uganda had unearthed scrolls that turned out to be diaries apparently written by the first Man and the first Woman to ever walk the earth. Known as the Rwenzori Prehistoric Journals, the scrolls, undoubtedly the rarest find in archaeology, were embedded in molten rock inside a cave.

Other found evidence suggests that the cave had provided shelter for Adam and Eve for an extended period, perhaps as long as ten years. Archaeologists from Uganda’s Makerere University, Addis Ababa University, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, and other eminent institutions of learning around the world speculated that the volcanic eruption occurred several generations after Adam and Eve had passed away, and that the human remains Fossils found nearby probably belonged to Adam and Eve’s great-grandchildren.

The scientists also shocked the world with their announcement that the evidence had buried, in one fell swoop, the long-held notion that humans had evolved from primates. Using new and experimental genetic dating methods, they had revised the dates for homosapiens to appear on Earth at some point between three hundred thousand and four hundred thousand years ago.

The Canadian Scrolls and another remarkable archaeological find in Alexandria, Egypt, which occurred at about the same time and which corroborated the contents of the former and vice versa, along with the Rwenzori Prehistoric Diaries, had completely turned the world of evangelists and preachers upside down. .

The Gospel according to Judas Iscariot is a worthy meditation on good and evil. Sometimes the devil teaches more than the Christian. But overall, the material is a read that, as the Midwest Book Review notes, is “hellishly delicious” and warrants “sheer devilish delight” for all, Christian and non-Christian alike.

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